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Dopamine neurons encode the better option in rats deciding between differently delayed or sized rewards


The dopamine system is thought to be involved in making decisions about reward. Here we recorded from the ventral tegmental area in rats learning to choose between differently delayed and sized rewards. As expected, the activity of many putative dopamine neurons reflected reward prediction errors, changing when the value of the reward increased or decreased unexpectedly. During learning, neural responses to reward in these neurons waned and responses to cues that predicted reward emerged. Notably, this cue-evoked activity varied with size and delay. Moreover, when rats were given a choice between two differently valued outcomes, the activity of the neurons initially reflected the more valuable option, even when it was not subsequently selected.

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Figure 1: Choice task in which delay and size of reward were manipulated.
Figure 2: Locations, representative waveforms and classification of putative dopamine neurons.
Figure 3: Activity during reward reflects prediction errors in a subpopulation of cue-responsive dopamine neurons.
Figure 4: Cue-evoked activity in reward-responsive dopamine neurons reflects the value of the predicted rewards.
Figure 5: Cue-evoked activity in reward-responsive dopamine neurons covaries with the delay and size of the predicted reward and its relative value.
Figure 6: Cue-evoked activity on free-choice trials reflects the more valuable option.

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We thank Y. Niv, P. Shepard, G. Morris and W. Schultz for thoughtful comments on this manuscript, and S. Warrenburg at International Flavors and Fragrances for his assistance in obtaining odor compounds. This work was supported by grants from the US National Institute on Drug Abuse (R01-DA015718, G.S.; K01-DA021609, M.R.R.), the National Institute of Mental Health (F31-MH080514, D.J.C.), the National Institute on Aging (R01-AG027097, G.S.) and the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (T32-NS07375, M.R.R.).

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M.R.R., D.J.C. and G.S. conceived the experiments. M.R.R. and D.J.C. carried out the recording work and assisted with electrode construction, surgeries and histology. The data were analyzed by M.R.R. and G.S., who also wrote the manuscript with assistance from D.J.C.

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Correspondence to Matthew R Roesch.

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Roesch, M., Calu, D. & Schoenbaum, G. Dopamine neurons encode the better option in rats deciding between differently delayed or sized rewards. Nat Neurosci 10, 1615–1624 (2007).

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