Table 1.

Microarray analysis of apoptosis-related genes in response to α-syn antisense oligonucleotide treatments

Gene symbolAntisense treated/control (fold)GenBank accession numberFunction
Upregulated genes
    Pycard1.66 NM_172322 Induction of apoptosis
    Bak12.07 NM_053812 Induction of apoptosis
    Bax2.15 NM_017059 Induction of apoptosis
    Bcl102.63 NM_031328 Induction of apoptosis
    Casp42.17 NM_053736 Caspase activity
    Tnfrsf1a2.28 NM_013091 Tumor necrosis factor receptor
    Tnfsf152.70 NM_145765 Caspase activation
    Tp532.21 NM_030989 Induction of apoptosis
    Ube1c2.54 NM_057205 NEDD8 activating enzyme activity, apoptosis
    Ube2d31.96 NM_031237 Ubiquitin-protein ligase activity
    Ube2n2.79 NM_053928 Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme activity, apoptosis
Downregulated gene
    Bcl20.58 NM_016993 Anti-apoptosis
  • Cells on DIV 0 were treated with 3 μm antisense oligonucleotides to α-syn. Four days later, RNA was extracted from cells and subjected to hybridization and microarray analyses for apoptosis-related genes, as described in Materials and Methods.